I Heard It Through The Grapevine: So Who Wants to Know or Needs To?
The how, why, when, and where of proper notification is an important and necessary part of the mourning ritual. After all, you may be dead, but you still have to mind your manners.
Did You Know …
- The latest rage is to have a solar-powered panel containing a multimedia tribute to the deceased mounted on the monument or memorial marker. Who says baby boomers are self-absorbed? Just think, you can make your own tribute before you die and include all of those moments when you looked really skinny.
- Think about writing your own obituary – have your say, your way.
- You can actually send emails after you are dead. While it might be touching to receive a note from the dearly departed, some people just need to, you know, stay dead.
Notes & Update
A glowing tribute. Think about a translucent cast glass memorial instead of traditional granite or bronze. These headstones are luminescent in natural light and are both radiant and incredibly tactile. Photograph courtesy of Lundgren Monuments https://www.lundgrenmonuments.com
When you want to remove all social networking information for a dearly departed or leave instructions for others to do so for you, check out Web 02 Suicide Machine “A service, presented with a dose of humor, to easily remove your Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter presence.”http://suicidemachine.org/
Interesting Link The Headstone Guide provides advice and inspiration on choosing a headstone,and a very long and beautiful list of epitaphs. https://stoneletters.com/blog/memorial-quotes-headstone-epitaphs
If a link is broken, please let me know by sending an email to information@deathforbeginners.com
The websites for goods and services are offered for your interest and exploration. The the act of posting them here is not an endorsement. There are some “goods and services” sites with whom I have had positive interaction and these sites are noted by the following: !!!
Your Obituary
- The Identity Theft Resource Center https://www.idtheftcenter.org
- The obituary of Dolores Aguilar http://www.snopes.com/media/iftrue/obituary.asp
- Obituaries Help http://www.obituarieshelp.org/free_obituaries_hub.html
- The Remembering Site http://www.therememberingsite.org/view.php
- Elvis Pelvis http://www.elvispelvis.com/fullerup.htm
- Facebook deceased member notice FaceBook.com/help/search.php?hq=deceased
- LinkedIn deceased member notice LinkedIn.custhelp.com
- MySpace deceased member notice https://help.myspace.com/hc/en-us
- Afterlife Alerts https://www.safebeyond.com
- Future Me http://futureme.org/
Memorial Markers at Gravesite
- Department of Veterans Affairs https://www.va.gov/burials-memorials/memorial-items/headstones-markers-medallions/
- UK – Famous Quoteshttp://www.famousquotes.me.uk/epitaphs/
- Lundgren Monuments http://www.lundgrenmonuments.com/
- Memorials.com http://www.memorials.com/statues.php
- Digital Tombstones https://www.funeralhelpcenter.com/cemetery-headstones-go-high-tech/
- The Cemetery Club http://www.thecemeteryclub.com/symbols.html
- Not in book but very much worth a look: The Definitive Guide to Choosing a Gravestone http://www.gravestoneshq.co.uk/
- Unique Gravestones in the UK https://www.aklander.co.uk/
Memorial Markers – No Gravesite
- Designing a Back Yard Memorial Garden https://houseandgardendiy.com/memorial-garden-ideas/
- Designing a Garden Memorial http://• https://botanicalpaperworks.com/blog/creating-a-memorial-garden-to-honor-remember-loved-ones/
- Valley monuments http://valley-monuments.com/
- Designing a Memorial Garden https://botanicalpaperworks.com/blog/creating-a-memorial-garden-to-honor-remember-loved-ones/
- A Garden of Love and Healing: Living Tributes to Those We Have Loved and Lost by Marsha Olson, (Fairview Press, March 18, 2002)
- Therapeutic Gardens: Design for Healing Spaces by Daniel Winterbottom & Amy Wagenfeld (Timber In Therapeutic Gardens, Press; Illustrated edition, May 19, 2015)
Memorials on the Web
- Cemetery.org http://cemetery.org/
- Much Loved https://www.muchloved.com/creatememorial
- Heal Grief http://healgrief.org/celebrate-a-life/?gclid=CjwKEAjw286dBRDmwbLi8KP71GQSJAAOk4sjaBJhq60hXH_IbQJYyx5XVgDYLwbl8q-nnZdbt9XerRoCp5vw_wcB#
- iLasting http://www.ilasting.com/
- Memorial Websites http://memorialwebsites.legacy.com/
- FaceBook online memorials https://www.facebook.com/help/?search=deceased
- MySpace online memorials https://help.myspace.com/hc/en-us
- Linked In http://LinkedIn.custhelp.com
- Your Tribute – create a free online obituary or personalized memorial tribute for a loved one n minutes http://www.yourtribute.com